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How to grind your coffee at home?

Do you like to grind your own coffee beans? We got you covered! Not only we sell freshly roasted coffee beans, we also share some tips on grinding your beans in this article.


The Steps:


  1. Buy a coffee grinder: this material will serve you! Simplicity and logic are keys! Try choosing a coffee grinder for your coffee maker.


  1. How to choose your coffee grinder? To make a rather coarse powder, preferably select a grinder with a blade mill because it excels in this task. It is suitable for any type of coffee maker, making it one of the most popular. With this product, all you have to do is put the beans at the top of the mill and close it. After that, you only have to press the dedicated mechanism for the blades to grind your beans.


Electric or manual mill?


  1. For coffee fine coffee powder, you will instead take an electric grinder. The fine powder is perfect for espresso or Turkish coffee. The cost of an electric coffee grinder is higher than for a conventional grinder, but you can control the smoothness of the powder with much more precision.


4) You can also grind your coffee yourself! (really yourself, this time, that is, without using automation,). All you have to do is invest in a manual coffee grinder, pour coffee beans (they must, of course, be fresh, and therefore, prepared quickly).

Blades are also present inside, but this time it will be up to you to turn the crank to operate these blades. At first, it will probably be rather funny (because you're not used to it).

Moreover, the budget to devote to it is probably rather low. Just know that manual coffee grinder does not have as much precision as the modern mills!


Once ground, we no longer speak of coffee beans but coffee grounds. All you have to do is place it in your coffeemaker, put water in the compartment provided and start it et voila! You have your cup of coffee!


Not into all of this, just get our freshly ground coffee!


#happygrinding #neverstopgrinding
