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Explore the untamed flavors of Caribbean Coffee!
- Single Origin and low acid
- Grown in the sun-drenched mountains of thiotte, Haiti
- Handpicked by skilled harvesters-Small batch roasted for maximum aroma
- Non GMO, No additive. Chemical-Free, Direct Trade
- Handpicked by skilled harvesters
- Non GMO, No additive. Chemical-Free, Direct Trade
25 % off and FREE SHIPPING
Specialty Coffee
From th lush region of Thiotte, this coffee is unique in flavors, low in acid, bold, and smooth!
100% satisfaction guaranteed , delivered to your door
Better for You
Shade grown, sun-dried, pesticide free, chemical free, full of antioxidants, no artificial flavors, low acids
100% satisfaction guaranteed , delivered to your door
Trusted by 20,000+ customers
100% satisfaction guaranteed , delivered to your door
100% satisfaction guaranteed , delivered to your door
Fair Trade
Purchased directly from small-scale farmers in Haiti, 40% are women. We pay over the local price per pound. It's more than coffee, it's economic empowerment.
Over 20,000 satisfied customers (insert stars *****)
Most mass-prodouced coffee is blended with chemical and additives..Yikes!! Bitter and acidic after taste Yikes!
Coffee at its purest is delicious, clean, smooth, not acidic. The best tasting coffee, is the purest coffee!
Lucky fo us Haiti's coffee has been untouched by chemical for the past 200 years, grown in the lush tropics, at high elevation, sun-dried and handpicked, this is not your regular cup of joe. It is the simplest, purest, tastiest coffee ever!
Special Offer 25% With Free Shipping!
Buy nowHere is some of the Qualities of this coffee:
1- One Pure Ingredient
Coffee can also be Toxic depending on how it was processed. There is no doubt that our coffee is a Clean and Pure product that ensured no pesticides used.
2- Single Origin
Most of the coffee for sale in retail stores and coffee shop is a mix-match of beans from various plants and countries around the world. With blends, you might get beans mixed with pesticide-soaked beans. It’s also possible you can get premium Dark roast beans mixed with under-dried, toxin-filled lighter roast beans. Our Single Origin coffee ensures you’re getting what you pay for - and nothing you don’t want in your coffee. Every bag of this coffee, however, is guaranteed single origin from Thiotte, a commune in the Belle-Anse Arrondissement, in the Sud-Est department of Haiti.
3- No Crash Guaranteed - Slow Release
Caribbrew coffee is slow-release, so you won't experience a sudden caffeine rush that leads to a crash. Our coffee has a smooth, well-balanced flavor that won't leave you feeling jittery like other brands on the market. Experience Premium coffee with us!
4- Shade Grown
This method of cultivation is known to promote biodiversity, protect the soil and water resources, and preserve the habitat of many bird and animal species. Caribbrew's coffee was cultivated under a natural canopy of trees, without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Caribbrew is proud to support this method of production since it benefits the Haitian biodiversity and ecosystem.
5- Stomach Friendly
You might have experience discomfort after drinking low quality coffee from others. That is one less thing to worry about with Caribbrew. Our product is Gentle on the stomach""Easy to digest""Low acidity""Mild and soothing""Non-irritating""Smooth and mellow""Doesn't cause discomfort". In a few words, it is "Perfect for sensitive stomachs.
Special Offer 25% With Free Shipping!
Buy nowThere is more qualities that we have yet mentioned :
1- High Altitude Coffee
High Altitude Coffee Is Typically Above 3,000 Feet (900 Meters) Above Sea Level. Caribbrew Coffee Is Grown In The Mountain Of Thiotte Sitting At 4000+ Ft. Here Is What You Will Experience:
Slow ripening: At higher altitudes, the temperature is cooler, and the air is thinner, which means that the coffee plants grow more slowly. This slow growth allows the coffee cherries to ripen more slowly, resulting in more complex and developed flavors
More intense flavors: Coffee grown at high elevations tends to have more concentrated flavors and higher acidity due to the slow ripening process. This results in a more nuanced and complex cup of coffee
Higher quality beans: Coffee beans grown at high elevations tend to be denser and harder, which can result in a more flavorful and aromatic cup of coffee
2- Sun Dried
Sun Dried coffee has been a common practice in Haiti for centuries; It is an important part of the cultural heritage of our coffee-growing communities. Moreover, it allows for a slower and more gradual drying process, which enhances the flavor of the coffee.
On another end, it is a more environmentally friendly method of drying coffee compared to other drying methods that require electricity or fuel. t produces less greenhouse gas emissions and has a lower carbon footprint
Lastly, it helps preserve the quality of the coffee by reducing the risk of mold growth or other forms of contamination during the drying process
3- Fair Trade Coffee
This one is special for Caribbrew; it is the essence of the brand. At our core, the company was founded to provide a better living condition for Haitian farmers, and we live by that every day.
When you drink Caribbrew, you help guarantee that Haitian farmers receive a minimum price for their coffee, which is higher than the volatile market prices. This allows them to invest in their businesses and improve their living conditions.
Caribbrew helps provide a more ethical and sustainable way to enjoy coffee, with benefits for both the farmers and the environment
4- Specialty Beans
Unlike some other coffee brands, you can rest assured that these beans have been evaluated and rated by trained professionals, who consider factors such as flavor, aroma, acidity, body, and aftertaste. Our Coffee is roasted in small batches to preserve quality and freshness; it offers a unique and high-quality taste experience that is appreciated by coffee enthusiasts around the world
5- Chemical Free
Caribbrew Coffee is grown using natural methods that promote soil health and biodiversity, such as using compost and other natural fertilizers, rotating crops, and controlling pests with natural methods like using predatory insects. This method of coffee farming prohibit the use of harmful chemicals and protect the environment while producing high-quality coffee beans
new Section
1- High Altitude Coffee
Here is a deal for you:
Today you can get full 12 ounce bags of Lifeboost Coffee, large enough for 40 cups each, for 25% off + Free Shipping!
This is for new customers only. Limit one per household.You’re going to love this coffee. We will be awaiting to hear from you!
Current status: In stock. Your order will ship within 24 hours.
Everyone is talking about Caribbrew COffee
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